Just by looking at the talent from the authors involved in the creation of this story, it should be a hell of a lot better than it actually is. This story marks the final script to come in from Dalek creator, Terry Nation, one of the series' oldest and most reliable writers. But this story is also the first outing of Douglas Adams as the series' script editor, who had written The Pirate Planet, for the previous season and had now taken up one of the biggest chairs in Doctor Who production history. And at its time, Destiny of the Daleks was a massive hit, setting new viewing audience figures along with the following story, City of Death. Both were helped of course by ITV having striked and going off air for a while. But there is also a lot to enjoy in this story, especially in the opening episodes, it is such a shame that in the final episodes the story peters out. What doesn't help is the revisionist take on the Daleks and the resurrection of Davros, the Daleks' insane creator. Both of these factors makes this story a lot less interesting than the previous Dalek adventure, Genesis of the Daleks. It somehow manages to sink even lower with the introduction of the Movellans and their stalemate with the Daleks. And what doesn't help the Movellans come across as a decent villain is their striking resemblance to Milli Vanilli in an 80s disco outfit!

But the downside of Baker and Ward's growing relationship off screen meant that their relationship on screen became a little too precious and cute, thought their easy going around each other was a key part of the light-hearted sense of fun that was the main hallmark of the Graham Williams era on the show, particularly when Douglas Adams was on board. And the dynamic between the two characters is apparent from the moment Ward appears on screen, it the witty scene written by Adams, with Romana trying on new bodies like they clothes on a rack, until she finally settling on one that both she and the Doctor like. And since Romana is supposed to be from Gallifrey, then regeneration was the obvious choice when it came to recasting the character. But the scene has been criticised for being too whimsical. And I can see why. After all, if the Doctor's regenerations have been caused by life threatening injuries, then is Romana technically committing suicide by going through bodies like they are going out of fashion? Nowadays, it could be problematic, it may have been in those days too. But it is nothing that couldn't have been fixed with a little bit of an explanation. But just by looking at in the context of the story and not as a story on its own, the little scene is a piece of comedy which does exactly what it needs to do, economically and entertainingly establish what was already a familiar character and defusing the sudden departure of Mary Tamm from the series by acknowledging it with a little joke and then moving on so that the story can begin. And given the circumstances that were happening behind the scenes, it is a little hard to think of a better way to have done it.
So with that introduction out of the way, the story wastes no time in getting started, with the TARDIS landing on a mysterious planet that the Doctor finds strangely familiar. I'm sure we can already guess it is Skaro thanks to the "Of the Daleks", in the title, but the Doctor has no clue, he has landed here at random. What follows is typical of Terry Nation, the TARDIS crew explore the landscape, picking up clue after clue which point towards something dark and sinister which culminates in the revelation that those Daleks who appeared in the title are actually going to appear in the story itself.

Once we see Davros awaken and he and the two opposing forces take over the story, all the air that had once been in the story is sucked out. The idea that both forces have reached a stalemate because they are two computer-like is simplistic at best, and seems more at home in a half-hour radio drama than a two hour Doctor Who adventure. It also makes the Daleks and the Movellans look like idiots and makes the story crawl to a conclusion which it could have reached in half the time.

I suppose though that it is the mishandling of the Daleks which really dooms this story. It is the same problem which effects Genesis of the Daleks, they are written as robots and not as twisted mutations of a former race of the planet Skaro, who were still people, sort of. Destiny of the Daleks takes this a step too far and refers to them as just another race of robots, several times. It is not only a passive and uninteresting move but it renders them unable to think for themselves. And all of this in the name of getting Davros resurrected.

Lets not forget that the reason Davros was created was to make the Daleks seem like more dynamic and interesting creations. Because all the Daleks were made to look the same to ensure some twisted form of uniformity. But the Daleks were indistinguishable from one another and many audience members tended to glaze over whenever the monsters spoke. It is unfortunate then that Destiny doesn't try to do anything with them, making the all too common mistake of assuming there is nothing interesting about them at all. And if that fact were true, then the Daleks wouldn't have lasted through the 60s. If they had been that boring they would have been all but forgotten about like the Krotons, The Mechanoids and, well, the Movellans. All right, it is true that their limitations make it hard to tell a cracking good Dalek story, but the Daleks are important to roll out every-now-and-again because in opposing their fascist, brutal and paranoid aggression, it helps to define what the Doctor believes in and tells the viewers what the moral centre of the series is all about.
I think it is safe to safe that Douglas Adams' legacy on the series is very shaky, the only really good story to come out of his time was City of Death, which is a real classic. I think the problem was that he was stretched too thin with Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy suddenly becoming a massive hit and Doctor Who getting viewing figures they had never seen before. The real problem with Destiny of the Daleks is that it seems to have been devoid of his attention and since Terry Nation had only written a first draft before his contract ran out, which was apparently a few people shouting down a corridor and a couple of explosions, it left Adams to fill in the dialogue and alter the plot. We may never know Nation's side of this story, it would go a long way to explaining how this story went downhill so fast after a promising beginning...
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