Doctor Who was never, never, meant to be a television institution. It was never meant to still be going 53 years later, never meant to be retelling fundamentally, the same story it began all that time ago in 1963. But the show's stars, writers, producers and directors, took it so seriously from the start and that is such a big part of the show's success. But I doubt they knew they were making something so ephemeral, an entertaining part of Saturday night. But that doesn't explain why the BBC decided to destroy hundreds of episodes of television, not only from Doctor Who but other shows, denying us the pleasure of viewing them today. No missing Doctor Who story is as legendary in the mythos as The Power of the Daleks, which featured the debut of Patrick Troughton's, Second Doctor. Power has often been named by a generation of fans as the best Doctor Who story of all time and because of this, fifty years since its transmission, the BBC gave us a way to see this classic, they animated it to the original soundtrack. The result is half 1966 and half 2016 with the viewer left to wonder whether the new reconstruction ultimately reveal or obscure the original material.

The original series of the show, particularly in its black and white form, tended to be quite a slow moving affair. Some of that is due to the viewer's shift in sensibilities and some of it is down to the fact that The Power of the Daleks was never intended to be watched in one long go but over a period of six weeks. Even when you allow for these factors, this story can feel monumental when it starts out and this is where the new animation can do the story some favours. The, understandably, low budget restricts the character's movements and expressiveness. This is much less of an issue once the story gains some momentum and the characters start to argue with and plotting against one another, but the first couple of episodes rely on a subtler, almost non verbal performance from the whole cast.

This is nowhere near a fair representation of The Power of the Daleks, but it is the best we fans are probably ever going to get. We can only guess at how accurately the animation gets the story's costumes and sets but there are a couple of examples of wonky staging that might be a faithful recreation of something that happened in the original or a sad mistake in the animation. Doctor Who tends to be talky and stagy but in animation form, these factors are dialled up to eleven. The animation is effective when the narrative needs to benefit from minimalism, especially during the action sequences. But one thing that really looks great is the sleek design of the Daleks. The limitations that the animators must have had to faced, of course make them vary to how original director, Christopher Barry had shot them in 1966. But both efforts get a lot of something which was so little, offering us a sense of unity despite the divergent formats.

It is no lie to say that The Power of the Daleks occupies a really unique part of the show's mythos. Nowadays, the idea of swapping one Doctor for another is an old trick. But it is hard to imagine how odd the notion must have been in 1966. Troughton's Doctor does make a few needed concessions to the audience and his equally uncertain companions, as he spends much of this story running around like a madman spouting gibberish. But a weird kind of logic behind his actions does eventually begin to emerge, though the Doctor does remain a remote figure. This is the one Troughton story which doesn't feature his definitive companion in the form of Frazer Hine's, Jamie McCrimmon. This doesn't help when it comes to making Power feel connected to the action that usually accompanied a Troughton tale. One is forced to wonder if this is a story which would have always felt a little out of time, even if it had survived. Animation can do nothing but capture a mere shadow of what made this story special in the first place, but even a shadow of a story like The Power of the Daleks is well worth seeking out, made all the more remarkable because of the form of its resurrection...
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