Logopolis really was the end of an era, as Tom Baker's swansong, it was time to welcome in Peter Davison and let the 1980s era of the show really begin.
It is no secret that by the time the end of the 1970s that Tom Baker had become out of control and by his own admission, he had become almost impossible to work with. The bosses at the BBC would have been happy enough for Baker to have gone years before, but they were too scared of what the future of the show would hold without him. He really was a cash cow, someone who brought millions of viewers in. The lead man in one of the channels, biggest hitters. And as far as the world was concerned, Tom Baker was the Doctor. But Baker made the decision for the BBC, enough was enough and that he was going to be leaving. While producer John Nathan Turner was undoubtedly happy, cartwheeling through the halls of the BBC, the bosses where probably terrified. But now, Turner could do the Doctor Who he wanted to do.

This is also the story which saw the TARDIS becoming overcrowded but the problem was not so much the quantity of companions but the quality. Adric is just annoying and Nyssa was sadly rather bland, though her treatment in the Big Finish audiobooks has really improved her character. And this is the story where we first meet Tegan Jovanka, an air hostess who just wants to get back to Heathrow. Tegan could be loud, abrasive and argumentative. She was basically the Donna Noble of the time. All she lacked was the quality writing. But I really like Tegan, she is my favourite companion.

And Tom Baker was noticeably ill during the production of this story. He often appears shockingly drawn and his hair is greying. As a direct result of this, his performance is more sombre, cold and lacks the boundless energy he had at the beginning of his era. However, in many ways, Baker's performance and appearance mirrors the idea of entropy and decay that author, Christopher H. Bidmead had incorporated into the script. Sadly, like much of Bidmead's writing, the story verges on boring. And while it isn't Baker's fault, it is a shame that his once mighty incarnation of the Doctor goes out with more of a whimper than a bang. In his final scene, the Fourth Doctor looks more like someone who has lain down for a nap, rather than just fallen to his death. After several years in the roll, I can imagine that Baker was desperate to get off the set and was down the nearest pub for a little knees up...
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